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OCR A2 Biology Module 6: Genetics, evolution and ecosystems

This module covers the role of genes in regulating and controlling cell function and development. Heredity and the mechanisms of evolution and speciation are also covered.

Some of the practical techniques used to manipulate DNA such as sequencing and amplification are considered and their therapeutic medical use. The use of microorganisms in biotechnology is also covered. Both of these have associated ethical considerations and it is important that learners develop a balanced understanding of such issues.

Learners gain an appreciation of the role of microorganisms in recycling materials within the environment and maintaining balance within ecosystems. The need to conserve environmental resources in a sustainable fashion is considered, whilst appreciating the potential conflict arising from the needs of an increasing human population. Learners also consider the impacts of human activities on the natural environment and biodiversity.

Learners are expected to apply knowledge, understanding and other skills developed in this module to new situations and/or to solve related problems.

6.1Genetics and evolution
6.1.1Cellular control
6.1.2Patterns of inheritance
6.1.3Manipulating genomes
6.2.1Cloning and biotechnology
6.3.2Populations and sustainability