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SQA Higher Biology Revision

Take control of your biology revision and SQA Higher Biology examination preparation with our comprehensive revision notes, quizzes and past papers. You’ll feel more confident than ever about achieving your best grades.

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If you're ready to pass your SQA Higher Biology exams, become a member now to get complete access to our entire library of revision materials.

Join over 22,000 learners who have passed their exams thanks to us!

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Pass Your SQA Higher Biology Exams

No matter where you are in your academic journey, today is always the best day to start revising for your SQA Higher Biology exams. Our revision kit will save you hundreds of hours in research and exam prep.

We provide all the content you need to pass your exams, making it the most efficient and reliable way to study SQA Higher Biology. Join thousands of students getting the best grades possible, and sign up today.

Included in this SQA Higher Biology bundle

  • Unit 1 of SQA Higher: DNA & the Genome
  • Unit 2 of SQA Higher: Metabolism & Survival
  • Condensed, easy-to-follow revision notes covering every topic within Unit 1 and Unit 2
  • Quizzes with answers to test knowledge
  • Unlimited access to updates and additions
  • Premium email support
  • Sustainability and Interdependence
  • Apparatus and Techniques

Exam questions & mark scheme

Also included in this revision guide are SQA Higher past papers for you to practice. SQA Higher mock exam booklets for each topic that include dozens of practice questions along with a mark scheme will be released in 2024.

When released, our examination questions are broken down by the respective topic area so you can be confident in the knowledge you are studying the right topics at the right time. The mark schemes can be found in a separate folder so you can check your answers upon completing the questions.

SQA Higher Biology

  • Unit 1: DNA and the Genome
  • Unit 2: Metabolism and Survival
  • Unit 3: Sustainability and Interdependence
  • Unit 4: Apparatus and Techniques

Pass Your SQA Higher Biology Exams

These materials will help you to fully prepare for SQA Higher Biology and get practical knowledge needed to take the examinations. If you’re a teacher or tutor, it will save you loads of time with lesson and exam preparation. If you’re a student, focus your energy on revising instead of finding information and making notes!